Lithuanian NCP functions

The main functions of the Lithuanian National Contact Point are the following:

1. The promotion of awareness and accessibility of the Guidelines. The main function of the Lithuanian National Contact Point is to develop and maintain contacts with the business community, the employees’ organisations and other interested parties which may contribute to the effective implementation of the Guidelines and help achieve compliance with the requirements of the Guidelines. The Lithuanian National Contact Point shall promote cooperation between all interested parties.

2. Mediation in the disputes of multinational enterprises, NGOs, professional unions, business associations and other interested parties. Another function of the Lithuanian National Contact Point is to investigate the complaints lodged with regard to alleged violations of the Guidelines in multinational enterprises. The process of the investigation of complaints lodged with regard to the violation of the Guidelines is aimed to settle the suspected infringements by conciliation and mediation, in other words, by promoting an open dialogue between the interested parties. This complaint handling procedure has to be impartial, predictable, fair and in line with the requirements of the Guidelines. Lithuanian National Contact Point has approved the rules of procedure for hadling specific instances.

Regulations of the Lithuanian National Contact Point

Rules of Procedure for Handling Specific Instances

Last updated: 03-12-2023